среда, 30 июля 2014 г.

Random Builder on Desura!

Random builder(v 0.9)  recently was published on Desura.

Random Builder is a simple arcade game, where you need to build a highest tower from random blocks!

I've working at first version of Random Builder for a two days.
Picture of first version:

It was so hardcore and had a lot of bugs so gave up that project((
Buuut.. a week later i returned to RB.

I began from drawing a new blocks.
Yea. I like that style so i drew them all like that. That looks awesome!

After that i started to programming. It takes me a week.
Music and sound i took from my past projects.

Here we go. I finished to do infinity mode and i decided to published my game.
Now you can download it on Desura for FREE. 
Desura Digital Distribution
Follow me on twitter @JudasGames.

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